Memberships, Badges and More! – A Clarification~
Updated 09:36:18 on 14 November 2023

As we prepare for Registration Go Live in February, we wanted to make a post to clarify some core concepts around Kitacon that have rightfully been questioned over the past couple of years.

In 2022 for Kitacon Returns we opted to adopt “Ticket” as part of our terms during the Ticket to Badge to Membership process. In a nutshell as attendees, you bought a ticket so you could pick up a badge which confirmed your membership for the event.

Taking the above as an example you can see where all those extra steps could cause unnecessary confusion for newcomers to our events and community and it was with this in mind, we felt the need to address and clarify this as we move into Kitacon Wonderland’s registration period in February.

To sure up our terminology, we will be shifting away from “Tickets” and “Memberships” in favour of “Badges” and “Badge Holders” respectively as our primary way to refer to attendees and levels of access. Con badges have long been the way we display our access to our events and we felt the time had come to clear up and clarify the terminology as a not-for-profit event.

So, what does that mean for you?

Functionally, nothing will change except the terminology used within various T&C’s and Rules. 

Our registration process will remain mostly unchanged, you’ll still register your details with us but you’ll now buy a “Badge” and be sent a confirmation QR code. This code will be used to confirm your purchase when you pick up your badge at Kitacon Wonderland.

Additionally, we also feel the need to clarify that all paid for badge types grant full access to the event. Whether that’s a Standard, VIP or Dealers badge. Other badge types exist either as additions to the three types previously mentioned (Gopher, Press, Guest, Events and Tech) that allow for additional access or support or as a thank you for participating in specific events over the weekend, such as the Cosplay Masquerade badge. 

We hope this clears up some questions we’ve been getting over the past weeks.

If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us at info @